Success Stories


The National Law Enforcement Foundation in partnership with the Denver Police Department and Denver Police Foundation will provide accessible, customized childcare options for law enforcement in Denver, Colorado.

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In early 2023, NLEF met with Colorado Governor Jared Polis’s team (D,) proponents of innovative ways to address the lack of quality and affordable childcare. Together, with Denver PD Assistant Chief Archer, NLEF began educating Governor Polis's team on the critical need for custom childcare and we presented a model that would assist Colorado’s law enforcement. Governor Polis and Colorado State Senator Kevin Van Winkle (R) crafted a bill to put unused appropriated funds from fiscal year 2023 to specifically improve recruiting and retaining by allowing the funds to be used for childcare.

By March 2023, NLEF regularly provided talking points, data, and testimonials for in Colorado and secured the support of State Senator Janet Buckner (D) to author a bill. Within weeks, a bill was introduced to the Colorado Senate sub-committee with the NLEF CEO on hand to testify in its favor.

The Colorado bill passed the State Senate committee and then passed in the Colorado House with several million dollars in appropriations to innovate and provide childcare. After being signed by the state House and Senate, the bill returned to Governor Polis and signed into law. The Denver Police Department, along with other Colorado Law Enforcement
agencies, were able to access millions in grant dollars to support their childcare efforts. NLEF
will assist the Denver Police Department and the Denver Police Foundation with a customized solution to meet their program budget.


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