Innovation in Child Care is Coming from a Surprising Source: Police Departments!

Earlier this year, a brand-new child care center opened up in San Diego, serving about 25 families. The center charges parents 50 percent less than market rate, and child care workers are paid 15 percent above the going local average. Its hours of operation are flexible. It stays open from 5:30 am to 7 pm every day, longer than most child care centers, and can accommodate emergencies like unexpected work shifts. There’s only one catch: To send your child, you have to work for the San Diego Police Department.

The San Diego Police Department’s Childcare Solution

"Police organizational culture, both as an institution and in the values of individual officers, has focused on masculine and patriarchal functions, neglecting the needs of policewomen in the field (Shelley et al., 2011)."

Press Release: Rep. Simpson Secures Treasure Valley Law Enforcement Childcare Center Funding

"Today, the House Committee on Appropriations voted to advance the Fiscal Year 2024 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies bill. Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson highlighted the inclusion of the Treasure Valley Law Enforcement Childcare Center project at his request through Community Project Funding (CPF)."

Women In Policing

Overall, women make up less than 13% of full-time police officers in the U.S. Only 9% of women that have children under six years have a career in law enforcement. Women hold only 5.6% of the top command positions. The lack of investigative promotability is a direct result from a lack of childcare options. Traditional strategies for recruitment frequently overlook an entire pool of potential applicants – women. Child care in law enforcement must be a priority to make ...

Childcare In America Is Broken

The current child care market fails families, children, businesses, and public safety. We need child care for cops to allow bringing new officers into the fold. If there are available options, they are not affordable. Infant childcare costs families an average of $14,000 per year. Working at a demanding job while parenting makes childcare support a powerful recruiting tool and a critical benefit for existing employees. It enables officers to work various shifts, overtime, and maint...

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