North Carolina
The National Law Enforcement Foundation is proud to expand its reach to North Carolina, joining the state's efforts to address critical challenges in recruiting and retaining law enforcement personnel.
Donate Today!The project in North Carolina will focus on a state pilot program designed to assist the Department of Adult Corrections and state and local law enforcement agencies in overcoming workforce challenges.
North Carolina's visionary and dedicated state legislators recognize childcare as a key workforce issue that requires tangible solutions. The National Law Enforcement Foundation is honored to lead efforts in North Carolina to develop customized programs tailored to law enforcement's unique needs.
We are especially grateful to State Senator Burgin for inviting the foundation to join the statewide coalition tasked with addressing childcare as a workforce issue. This collaboration ensures that the specific needs of law enforcement professionals are represented at the table.

The National Law Enforcement Foundation commends North Carolina for its statewide leadership in improving support for law enforcement officers while also fostering realistic recruitment and retention strategies. We are creating a brighter future for law enforcement personnel and their families.