Childcare In America Is Broken

August 15, 2023

The current child care market fails families, children, businesses, and public safety. We need child care for cops to allow bringing new officers into the fold. If there are available options, they are not affordable. Infant childcare costs families an average of $14,000 per year.

Working at a demanding job while parenting makes childcare support a powerful recruiting tool and a critical benefit for existing employees. It enables officers to work various shifts, overtime, and maintain the focus needed to execute their job.

The traditional service of childcare does not meet the needs of the modern workforce, let alone the unique needs of law enforcement. Current accessibility and affordability obstruct law enforcement families from utilizing traditional childcare centers.

The lack of access to affordable, quality childcare impacts our economy and society. The childcare crisis, especially amongst law enforcement, requires more attention and funding — help that can't come soon enough.